
Hi! Let me explain further. Sexual harassment is defined as: "Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature." Physical conduct of a sexual nature! Sounds like masturbating, right?

And this is not about gender! Toobin created a hostile work environment for ALL his coworkers—both women and men. Funny thing, that's how the law works.

You can read more here, in case you want to learn more: https://www.eeoc.gov/publications/facts-about-sexual-harassment#:~:text=Sexual%20harassment%20is%20a%20form,as%20to%20the%20federal%20government.

Another quick point. Changing in your office and forgetting to lock the door is way different than purposely jacking off while in a work meeting. Just felt I should make sure you understand that. Thanks for reading and your comment!



Andrea González-Ramírez
Andrea González-Ramírez

Written by Andrea González-Ramírez

Award-winning Puerto Rican journalist. Senior Writer at New York Magazine’s The Cut. Formerly GEN, Refinery29, and more. Read my work: https://www.thecut.com/

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